Success Stories
Ian was diagnosed with a learning disability, autism and ADHD which contributed to his complex behaviours. Prior to his arrival at Venus Health Care, Ian experienced several placement breakdowns which only added to these complexities. With consistency, the right interventions and supports in place, Ian’s life began to change. He began communicating with others where he previously
found this difficult, there was a significant decline in challenging behaviours, and his sleep hygiene greatly improved.
Considering a long history of challenging behaviours, Neil’s quality of life has significantly improved following his shared accommodation placement with Venus. He now engages fewer behaviours of concern and participates actively in football , cycling and horticulture classes at a local college.

Tony’s history of inappropriate sexualised behaviour led to contact with the criminal justice system and three years in a secure hospital. Tony was discharged to our Step-Down shared accommodation where he had weekly MDT input from Occupational Therapist and PBS team working under supervision of a MAPPA. He now occupies his time playing football, cycling and socialising with friends.
Andrea had a history of abuse and trauma, which contributed to her developing significant mental health difficulties requiring inpatient mental health support. On her arrival at Venus, she was placed on an intensive care package and we became the first provider that Andrea actively engaged with. Her incidents of self-harm and aggressive behaviours receded and her care package was educed within 12 months of her arrival. She has now enrolled in a science course in local college.
Bernard has moderate learning disabilities and experienced multiple placement breakdowns as a result of his complex behaviour, often directed at his staff team. Since moving to a Venus Healthcare ‘Step-Up’ accommodation, with our tailored support, Bernard has learnt regulate his emotions, enabling him to build positive relationships with his staff team and successfully maintaining his placement.